UTI MF Multi Asset Allocation Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Tata Arbitrage Reg Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 14.0254
24-02-2025 14.0206
21-02-2025 14.0283
20-02-2025 14.022
19-02-2025 14.0198
18-02-2025 14.0204
17-02-2025 14.0069
14-02-2025 14.0086
13-02-2025 14.0046
12-02-2025 14.0
11-02-2025 13.998
10-02-2025 13.9964
07-02-2025 13.993
06-02-2025 13.99
05-02-2025 13.9881
04-02-2025 13.9841
03-02-2025 13.9795
31-01-2025 13.976
30-01-2025 13.9633
29-01-2025 13.9687
28-01-2025 13.9608
27-01-2025 13.9634
24-01-2025 13.9611
23-01-2025 13.947
22-01-2025 13.9456
21-01-2025 13.9477
20-01-2025 13.9428
17-01-2025 13.9402
16-01-2025 13.9334
15-01-2025 13.9331
14-01-2025 13.9242
13-01-2025 13.9302
10-01-2025 13.9275
09-01-2025 13.9152
08-01-2025 13.9164
07-01-2025 13.9164
06-01-2025 13.9181
03-01-2025 13.9071
02-01-2025 13.8957
01-01-2025 13.8955
31-12-2024 13.8878
30-12-2024 13.8723
27-12-2024 13.8796
26-12-2024 13.8783
24-12-2024 13.8719
23-12-2024 13.8752
20-12-2024 13.87
19-12-2024 13.8557
18-12-2024 13.8588
17-12-2024 13.8484
16-12-2024 13.8464
13-12-2024 13.8428
12-12-2024 13.839
11-12-2024 13.8366
10-12-2024 13.8375
09-12-2024 13.8373
06-12-2024 13.8268
05-12-2024 13.8344
04-12-2024 13.8319
03-12-2024 13.8281
02-12-2024 13.8117
29-11-2024 13.8049
28-11-2024 13.8014
27-11-2024 13.8069
26-11-2024 13.8109
25-11-2024 13.802
22-11-2024 13.8085
21-11-2024 13.8055
19-11-2024 13.8016
18-11-2024 13.7921
14-11-2024 13.7864
13-11-2024 13.7777
12-11-2024 13.7824
11-11-2024 13.7726
08-11-2024 13.7732
07-11-2024 13.7612
06-11-2024 13.7547
05-11-2024 13.7599
04-11-2024 13.7534
31-10-2024 13.7354
30-10-2024 13.7324
29-10-2024 13.7334
28-10-2024 13.7323
25-10-2024 13.7296
24-10-2024 13.7166
23-10-2024 13.7174
22-10-2024 13.7191
21-10-2024 13.7217
18-10-2024 13.6955
17-10-2024 13.7019
16-10-2024 13.6946
15-10-2024 13.6973
14-10-2024 13.6934
11-10-2024 13.6904
10-10-2024 13.684
09-10-2024 13.6864
08-10-2024 13.6726
07-10-2024 13.6641
04-10-2024 13.6677
03-10-2024 13.6474
01-10-2024 13.6456
30-09-2024 13.6514
27-09-2024 13.6378
26-09-2024 13.6405
25-09-2024 13.6485
24-09-2024 13.6452
23-09-2024 13.6462
20-09-2024 13.6411
19-09-2024 13.6292
18-09-2024 13.6355
17-09-2024 13.6316
16-09-2024 13.6237
13-09-2024 13.6277
12-09-2024 13.6246
11-09-2024 13.6269
10-09-2024 13.6172
09-09-2024 13.6128
06-09-2024 13.6162
05-09-2024 13.6007
04-09-2024 13.6005
03-09-2024 13.5962
02-09-2024 13.5982
30-08-2024 13.5812
29-08-2024 13.5742
28-08-2024 13.584
27-08-2024 13.5824
26-08-2024 13.5761
23-08-2024 13.579
22-08-2024 13.5681
21-08-2024 13.5605
20-08-2024 13.5631
19-08-2024 13.5552
16-08-2024 13.5538
14-08-2024 13.553
13-08-2024 13.5547
12-08-2024 13.5457
09-08-2024 13.5364
08-08-2024 13.5417
07-08-2024 13.5232
06-08-2024 13.5295
05-08-2024 13.529
02-08-2024 13.5341
01-08-2024 13.5162
31-07-2024 13.5048
30-07-2024 13.5058
29-07-2024 13.5065
26-07-2024 13.5052
25-07-2024 13.5004
24-07-2024 13.4998
23-07-2024 13.4972
22-07-2024 13.4963
19-07-2024 13.4998
18-07-2024 13.4809
16-07-2024 13.4779
15-07-2024 13.4706
12-07-2024 13.4775
11-07-2024 13.4633
10-07-2024 13.4652
09-07-2024 13.4584
08-07-2024 13.4559
05-07-2024 13.4519
04-07-2024 13.4512
03-07-2024 13.444
02-07-2024 13.4419
01-07-2024 13.4314
30-06-2024 13.4305
28-06-2024 13.4299
27-06-2024 13.4295
26-06-2024 13.4229
25-06-2024 13.4269
24-06-2024 13.4162
21-06-2024 13.4204
20-06-2024 13.4123
19-06-2024 13.4122
18-06-2024 13.4033
14-06-2024 13.4076
13-06-2024 13.3975
12-06-2024 13.3944
11-06-2024 13.3883
10-06-2024 13.4022
07-06-2024 13.3871
06-06-2024 13.3758
05-06-2024 13.3878
04-06-2024 13.3948
03-06-2024 13.3441
31-05-2024 13.3447
30-05-2024 13.3413
29-05-2024 13.3273
28-05-2024 13.3218
27-05-2024 13.324
24-05-2024 13.3281
23-05-2024 13.3255
22-05-2024 13.3215
21-05-2024 13.3131
17-05-2024 13.316
16-05-2024 13.3041
15-05-2024 13.303
14-05-2024 13.2937
13-05-2024 13.2862
10-05-2024 13.2898
09-05-2024 13.2856
08-05-2024 13.2799
07-05-2024 13.285
06-05-2024 13.2756
03-05-2024 13.2606
02-05-2024 13.2498
30-04-2024 13.2682
29-04-2024 13.2574
26-04-2024 13.2495
25-04-2024 13.2468
24-04-2024 13.2578
23-04-2024 13.2575
22-04-2024 13.2513
19-04-2024 13.263
18-04-2024 13.2525
16-04-2024 13.2454
15-04-2024 13.2392
12-04-2024 13.2333
10-04-2024 13.2313
09-04-2024 13.2272
08-04-2024 13.2286
05-04-2024 13.2222
04-04-2024 13.2105
03-04-2024 13.2031
02-04-2024 13.1872
01-04-2024 13.1881
31-03-2024 13.1819
28-03-2024 13.1806
27-03-2024 13.1683
26-03-2024 13.1467

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